You may renew items by emailing the library, by calling the library or by stopping by the library. or 618-942-6109
Your Responsibilities:
- Know when library material you borrow is due — you are provided with a receipt at check-out.
- Return or renew material before the due date.
- Pay any charges for late or billed library material.
- Notify us immediately if your card is lost or stolen.
- Notify us right away of any problems or disputes with your library account.
Overdue, Lost and Damaged Library Materials
It is important for library materials to be returned in a timely manner in good condition.
Notification of overdue or lost material is a service provided by the library. Failure to receive a notice does not free the borrower of responsibilities. Library borrowers are responsible for library materials while checked out in their name, and are responsible for returning items by their due date (or revised due date in the event of renewal.)
Borrowers are liable for charges incurred to repair or replace the item. The library shall levy fines and fees against items that are overdue, and those who hold overdue items. If items are lost, patrons shall pay for the lost items, along with a processing fee. The cost of replacement generally will equal the cost of obtaining another new copy of any given item, according to various trade sources. Should lost items be found, under appropriate circumstances the library will issue a refund for the cost of the item, excluding the processing fee. At the discretion of the Director or his/her designated staff person, patrons may be allowed to keep damaged item after all charges have been paid.