
A grievance is a formal complaint regarding the application of personnel policies and procedures; disciplinary action taken against an employee which is arbitrary or capricious; or unsafe working conditions.

It is the policy of the Herrin City Library to treat all employees fairly and equitably in matters affecting their employment. Each employee who feels aggrieved has a right to present a grievance to the library for prompt consideration and resolution.

The filing of a grievance by an employee will not reflect unfavorably on an employee’s standing, job performance, or loyalty, and shall be without fear of reprisal. The employee who has a grievance should attempt to resolve the problem before initiating a formal grievance.  An employee is encouraged to discuss the problem with the Library Director and/or Library Board President to find a resolution.

Grievance Procedure: Grievances shall be filed within ten (10) working days from the date of the infraction or from the date it became known to the employee.

Steps for Grievance Procedure:

1. Employee discusses the matter orally with the Library Director and/or the Library Board President. The Library Director and/or Library Board President shall conduct a complete review of the facts and respond to the employee within ten (10) working days.

2. If the matter is not resolved, the employee may summarize the grievance in writing using the Formal Grievance Form and submit it to the Library Director and/or the Library Board President. The Library Director and/or the Library Board President shall review the matter and prepare a written answer within ten (10) working days.

3. If the matter is not resolved, the employee may submit a written appeal to the Library Board of Trustees The board shall review the appeal at its next regular meeting. At this meeting the employee shall be given full opportunity to present the facts of the matter and any statement in support of their position.

a. The Board of Trustees shall act on the grievance within twenty-one (21) calendar days.

b. The Board of Trustees shall prepare a written decision which shall be given to the employee.

Settlement of a Grievance: A grievance shall be considered settled at the completion of any step in the procedure if the matter is not appealed to the next step of the grievance procedure within five (5) working days after the grievant is provided a response.

Employee Representation: An employee is entitled to a representative of their choice at each step of the grievance procedure at their own cost.


Employee Name: __________________________ Date Form Summitted: _________

I am filing a formal grievance in regards to (general description:)


Date, Time, & Location of event:


Grievance Statement: (attach memo if space below is not adequate)  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

______________ Date                                           Employee signature                                                                                             



Reply of Library Director and/or Library Board President

(attach memo if space below is not adequate)  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

______________ Date:         Library Director and/or Library Board President signature(s)


                                              Employee signature                   



Resolution/Actions taken:                          Date: _________________                                               ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If no resolution is found, the employee may submit a written appeal to the Library Board of Trustees.