11th June 2024 Agenda

1. Call to Order at 6:30 pm

A. Roll Call of Trustees (Present and Absent)

B. Audience to Visitors

2. Secretary’s Report

A. Correspondence

B. Reading & Approval of the Minutes for 21st May 2024

3. Treasurer’s Report

A. Review & Approval of the Bills to be paid in June 2024

B. May 2024 City Budget Report for the Library

C. Financial Balance Statement for May 2024

4. Librarians’ Report for May 2024

A. Library Director’s Report – Susan Mullen

B. Children’s Librarian’s Report – Kayla O’Saile

5. Illinois Heartland Library System Report & Illinois Library Association (ILA) news

A. Status updates

6. Committee Reports

A. Building & Grounds – Priest & Jones

B. Community Enrichment – Guebert & Sarver

C. Library Development & Technology

D. Special Gifts Committee – Frost

E. Friends Liaison – Maloney

F. Herrin History Room – Hickman & McKeown

7. Old Business

A. iLead Trustee portal follow up

B. Any other Old Business

8. New Business

A. Vote to continue participation Non-Resident Card program

B. Updated Policy Review Schedule, review & approve of Meeting Room & Study Room Policy

C. Any other New Business

9. Closed Executive Session (if necessary)

10. Adjournment

Next Meeting Date = 9th July 2024, 6:30 pm

Herrin City Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

June 11, 2024

Present Jones, Priest, Hickman, Maloney, Sarver, Guebert, McKeown

Also Present: Library Director Susan Mullen

Absent: Frost, Watson

The meeting was called to order at 6:29 PM by President Jones.

Visitor(s): None

Correspondence: None

Secretary’s Report: Priest moved to approve the minutes from May 2024. McKeown seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Bills to be Paid: Guebert moved to approve the payment of $2,550.08 for expenses incurred from May 21 – May 31, 2024, and $3,444.94 for expenses incurred from June 1 – June 11, 2024. Maloney seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  2. City Budget Report: Last month’s report shows that 10% of the budget has been spent, with 8% of the fiscal year completed, leaving a checking account balance of $74,572.60.  Priest moved to approve the report. Guebert seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Financial Balance Statement: Sarver moved to approve the Library balance report from the previous month. Priest seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Librarian’s Report: 

May 2024 had a 19% increase in circulation compared to May 2023. A total of 353 unique Borrowers Cards were used. Patrons placed a total of 536 Hold Requests. A total of 479 Hold Requests were filled (borrowed.) The Illinois Heartland Delivery Van dropped off a total of 847 titles at the Herrin City Library. We loaned 431 titles to other libraries and borrowed 941 titles from the other Heartland SHARE Libraries.  We registered a total of 30 new borrowers in May: 26 Adult, 3 Juvenile, and 4 Non-Resident Cards: 1 new and 3 renewals. As of the end of May, the Herrin City Library had a total of 5,611 registered borrowers. The Library Director attended the IHLS Director’s Chat on May 2, 2 & 30, 2024. Lisa Carnaghi has created a display of The Backward Glance from the Herrin Independent and has filled the cases with Herrin History Memorabilia. On Friday, June 21, 2024, Lisa will present A Slideshow Presentation: In Bloody Williamson. Summer Reading Program began Thursday, June 6th. Director Mullen hosted a GED class for a tour and orientation on May 23, 2024. This month, the Board will vote to renew our participation in the Nonresident Card Program. Director Mullen updated our Policy Review Schedule and has included the Meeting Room and Study Room policy for scheduled review. We received our Per Capita Grant award letter dated June 3, 2024 notifying us of an award of $18,342.72 as well as the Technology Grant award letter dated June 5th, 2024 notifying us of an award of $27,500.

Children’s Librarian’s Report: On May 2, 2024, we held the Jungle Friends Story Hour with 12 children and 9 adults.  On May 16, 2024, we held the Deep in the Ocean Blue Story Hour with 5 children and 6 adults. Kayla visited ten 2nd grade classes (approximately 183 children) at the Herrin Elementary School on May 15, 2024 to talk about the library, the services provided, and the summer reading program. She provided instructions on how to register, showed examples of prizes available to those who participate in the reading log program, and read a few stories. The students were engaged and had a lot of questions about the program.

Committee Reports:

  • Friends Liaison (Maloney): Next book sale is July 13th and 15th.  The May Wish List was approved for $926.90.  No meeting in July. Next meeting August 5th.
  • History Room (Hickman, McKeown): Report submitted by Lisa Carnaghi.  Research was conducted for several patrons both by appointment and walk-in.  HHR Room Facebook page reached 8,900 visits over the last 30 days. Sandy Clark loaned the Herrin History Room the remaining Herrin history paintings and they are now displayed in the local history museum area. Cohosted the Herrinfesta Poster Contest. The Backward Glance articles, photographs, and memorabilia now on display. Visited and took photographs of the old CC club and posted to Facebook. Researching Williamson County Sheriff from 1922-1926 Geroge Galligan for a history presentation scheduled for Friday, June 21st.
  • Building and Grounds (Priest, Jones): Walk through scheduled for June 18th at 10 am.
  • Community Enrichment (Guebert & Sarver): none
  • Library Development and Technology: none
  • Special Gifts Committee (Frost): none

Old Business:

  • iLead Trustee portal follow up

New Business:           

  • Vote to continue participation in the Non-Resident Card program at $55.
    • McKeowan moved to approve. Priest seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  • Updated Policy Review Schedule, review & approve of Meeting Room & Study Room Policy
    • Guebert moved to approve. Maloney seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  • Any other New Business
    • Per Capita Grant award letter
      • Received  letter on June 3, 2024 awarding the Herrin City Library $18,342.72
    • Technology Grant award letter
      • Received letter on June 5, 2024 awarding the Herrin City Library $27,500.00 to improve the library’s technology infrastructure
      • Libby
        • $2,928.96 of grant to go towards Libby for this year
        • Priest moved to approve. McKeowan seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Adjournment: Maloney moved to adjourn at 7:16 PM.

Next Meeting Date: July 9, 2024, at 6:30pm. Update: July meeting moved to July 23, 2024, public notice.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Maloney, Secretary