10th November 2015

  1. Call to Order at 6:30pm
  2. Roll Call of Trustees (Present and Absent)
  3. Audience to Visitors
  1. Secretary’s Report
  2. Correspondence
  3. Reading & Approval of the Minutes for 13th October 2015 Meeting
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. October 2015 City Budget Report for the Library
  3. Financial Balance Statement for October 2015
  4. Review & Approval of the Bills to be paid in November 2015
  1. Librarians’ Report for October 2015
  2. Library Directors Reports –Mullen
  3. Associate Director & Children’s Librarian – Irena Just
  1. Illinois Heartland Library System Report & Illinois Library Association (ILA) news
  2. Status updates (if any)
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Building & Grounds – Shirley Muckley & Sue Tresnak
  3. Community Enrichment – Barbara Guebert
  4. Library Development & Technology – Mandara Savage
  5. Special Gifts Committee – Daniel Kay & Paula Siefert
  6. Friends Liaison = James Starnes
  7. Herrin History Room – Bill Randall
  1. Old Business
  2. Lazerware Contract
  3. Insurance Renewal
  4. Library Board Nominations
  5. Any Old or Unfinished Business
  1. New Business
  2. Taxy Levies
  3. 2016 Library Holiday Calendar
  4. Any other New Business
  1. Closed Executive Session (if necessary)
  1. Adjournment

Next Meeting Date = 8th December 2015 – 6:30pm


BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING – November 10, 2015 – Minutes

PRESENT: Eisenhauer, Guebert, Starnes, Randall, Muckley, Tresnak, and Savage (via Skype)


ABSENT:   Kay, Siefert

Roll call.  No visitors.  No correspondence.

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Eisenhauer.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed.   Starnes moved to approve the minutes with correction noted; seconded by Randall.   Motion carried.


Bills to be paid in November 2015: Siefert reviewed the bills for payment prior to this meeting and gave report to Mullens.  There was a total of $2,331.38 in bills presented for approval.  Tresnak moved to accept the bills for November 2015.  Randall seconded.  Motion carried.

Herrin City Library Budget Report: Library Income and Expenses were reviewed.  October  expenses were $18,006.14.  Income was $34,608.01.   Guebert moved to accept the City of Herrin treasurer’s report.  Starnes seconded.  Motion carried.

Herrin City Library Financial Balance Sheet: The balance sheet was reviewed.  Tresnak moved to accept the financial balance sheet report. Guebert seconded. Motion carried.

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT:  Mullens reported that the circulation for October 2015 was just slightly less than the overall average for October.  Mullens reported that the library was very busy with activity: Linda Banks on WSIL, Channel 3, a report in the Southern Illinoisan newspaper, Trail of Treats, and children’s story time for Halloween.  Also the Historical society hosted two events in the library.

CHILDREN’S LIBRARIAN REPORT:  Written report submitted by Irena. 



Building and Grounds (Tresnak):  Mullens had trees trimmed near the parking lot. Mullens also contacted Hammonds to schedule the cleanup of the leaves in the yard and clean the gutters. Tresnak moved to accept the bid from Service Master to clean all of the carpets in the library. Muckley seconded. Motion carried.

Community Enrichment (Guebert):  No report. 

Library Development & Technology (Savage):  Mullens reported that the contracts of two of the circulation computers that we are currently using are near expiration.   The contracts can be renewed with Lazerware at $190 each.  Mullens reported that she has reviewed the value of the services that we receive from Lazerware.  Mullens feels confident with the products we are receiving from Lazerware and recommends that we renew our contract with them.  Savage expressed that he is confident with Lazerware at this time also.  Savage moved that we buy out the contracts of the two circulation computers and transfer them to maintenance contracts with Lazerware.  Starnes seconded. Motion passed.  Savage moved to remove the two Gates computers from the Lazerware maintenance lease and then purchase 2 NUC computers and put them on maintenance lease.  Randall seconded. Motion carried.

Special Gifts Committee (Kay):  No report.

Friends Liason (Starnes): Starnes said that the Friends are still discussing whether to have the pancake breakfast next spring.  The issue was tabled until a later meeting. 

History Room: Lisa Carnaghi presented a written report showing ancestry.com stats.


  1. Liability Insurance Renewal: Mullens said that she has compared the liability insurance bids to what we currently have with the city’s insurance package. She will investigate further to compare the products and premiums. She will report in December.
  2. Library Board Nominations: A possible replacement for Bill Randall was discussed. Savage and Eisenhauer agreed to extend their terms.


  1. Tax Levies: Tresnak moved to approve the proposal letter prepared by President Eisenhauer for the PropertyTax Levy. Savage seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Tresnak moved to accept the proposed 2016 Holiday schedule. Randall seconded. Motion carried.
  3. Starnes moved to accept the new hours of operation recommendation presented by Mullens.  Randall seconded.  Motion carried. 

Starnes moved for adjournment. Meeting adjourned at  7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Barbara A. Guebert